Ruby rails project
This was the toughest project yet. I was really doubting myself at first. I started with the idea to make a funko idea app where people can submit ideas for new funkos if they haven’t been created. It seemed a little confusing to me at first but when I went to a lot of study groups they helped me understand everything better.
When I started I only had the users model and I could only sign up. From there I was stumped. I had no idea what needed to come next. After getting help on everything that I needed to do for this project I was able to get the ball rolling. Then I was able to add funko ideas with the name and a description of the character. Then I tried adding the association for a franchise the funko belongs to. This is where I had a problem with the nested forms on adding a franchise that the funko belonged to. I then changed the order of how the app worked. Now the user selects from a list of franchises or creates one. Then creates a funko that is associated with that franchise.
From there I had smooth sailing until I realized I forgot to code in the comments on the funkos. I had some more trouble there getting the association between the users and their commented funkos but I was able to learn what to do since users had many funkos but they also had many commented funkos. That was the last big issue I had now I just need to add the scope method and this project is done.